07 October 2004


November is NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth (NANOWRIMO).

This is the first year for me to sign-up for this.  Participants start to write on Nov 1st.  The goal is to complete 175 pgs (50,000 words) by midnight 30 Nov, in novel format.


the idea is that if you sit down and write, you will mine something out of it.  write write write.  don't think, just write.

this is not an unheard of concept.  THE ARTIST'S WAY refers to morning pages as being unstructured, free flowing thoughts.  that once you get those thoughts that might distract you outta the way, then you can get down to the brass tacks, so to say.

Practice makes perfect//Try, try again; and other adages encourage us to hone skills, through developing them, by doing them.


check it out.  join me.


  1. wow..that sounds like an interesting proposition...I might just try it with you.

    take care

  2. YOU GO GIRL>>>>>I am betting on you!    Anne


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!