31 October 2004

Halloween Memory

To-day is Halloween.  To me, halloween and the changing of the clocks, means that fall has progressed past the turning back to summer point.  It means that the Holidays are upon us.  Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years; they all await in the foreseeable future.

My mother made some awesome costumes for herself, my father, and me the year I was a senior in High-School.  My folks were in their early 40s at the time.  Mom carefully sewed these with the deligence she's brought to outfitting wedding parties, including brides and their maidens of honor.  She even created large puffy heads that were close-fitting helmets, allowing our faces to peep out from them.

Mine was a cat, all one piece, hood with pink satin lined ears and a dropped dart on the forehead to give me that cute heartshaped face.  I even wore it to school.  The only kid let alone SENIOR to be dressed in costume.  But my outfit paled in comparison to my mother's and father's...

Mom was Mickey Mouse, complete with a tuxedo style top that ended in long tails.  A close friend of ours applied our makeup, even coming over way early to do mine for the bus ride to school.  I had a silver face with black lips that were amazingly sensual...I never felt so, well, catty.

My father was, of course Mickey's mate, Minnie.  His outfit consisted of a red and white polka dotted dress with white piping and lace trim.  I provided an old stretched out bra that lent the correct curvature.  He carried a small hard black purse, like you'd expect Minnie to have.  His long flowing beard completed the look.

We went trick or treating to a few of the local bars.  Folks greeted us and our swollen heads with much laughter, goodwill, and usually would buy us drinks.  Of course, I stuck with cranberry juice, I was only 17 ya know.

For years, we had those costumes around.  My folks never wore them again.  But I did.  In fact, I took Mickey's head with me on several trips, as I discovered that it provided for an excellent pillow that did not fall out from under my bouncing jostling head propped against the window.  I might have looked odd, but it was comfortable.  After 5 or 6 years, we boxed them up and got rid of them.

Another fond memory dusted off and shared.  grin.  Did I mention that I have pretty kewl folks?  Gosh I love 'em.

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