01 November 2004

ooooooooooh, krazy writing wrabbit...

As some of you know, today marks the kick-off for NaNoWriMo.  Wahooooo!!  I am done writing for the day, for the novel.  It's working title is:  Rice Puddin' Summer.  Today's total word-count for me:  3,735.  I don't know yet what the collective word-count is for all 33,000 registered writers.

According to my schedule, ahem, consulting my lil book...I have allowed my self to consider Mondays as an off-day.  I have other obligations on Mondays and they can be quite draining.  BUT, I figured if I could get ahead of the game in the beginning, then I can give myself some leeway at the end...or middle...or whenever the big B hits.  (that's the dreaded writer's Block, the big B is)

There's some holes in the plot, but I got plenty of time to spackle them babies up.  I am not sure how some things are going to fit, so I'll end up making adjustments and such as I go.  That's more than fine.  And right now, this is fun, fun, fun.

Anyone wanna join me?  anyone?  you?

1 comment:

  1. Debra, It's all yours. I am sure you will do a great job. Hang in there and don't get blogged down.   Anne


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!