06 January 2005

Walking in a winter wonderland...

I grew up in North East Pennsylvania, where the Pocono Mountains reign supreme, the snow drifts were incredible, and snow-days were built into the school-year.  Hence I have many winter tales to tell.  But I gotta pick just one for Weekend Assignment #42.  Mr. Scalzi sez, "Share your favorite story of Winter cold -- preferably (but not necessarily) involving something freezing inconveniently and humorously.  Extra credit: Name a song that reminds you of winter that's not Christmas-themed."

I did not have heat in my bedroom during my high-school years.  So, my bed was covered with layers of quilts and blankets.  I slept in between blankets, rather than use sheets that were bitingly cold.  The thin blankets were still chilly, though.  I wore cuddl duds (or other thermal underwear), socks and long sleeved night shirts that covered my wrists and a good portion of my hands.  I even had a red knit stocking cap with a red and white pom-pom for extremely cold nights when my breath would fog and my ears would ache.

It was not going to bed that I minded, however; it was getting up and ready for school that made me clench my teeth and brace for the cold.  I had developed a routine to help deal with these mornings.  It went something like this:

Hop out of bed at 7:30, dash across the room, turn off the alarm and scoop up the clothes laid out the night before; throw them into the warm nest, vacated only seconds prior, and flip the covers over them to hold what heat there was in to defrost the clothing; dash to the bathroom, perch precariously, splash frigid water on face, washing hands and brushing teeth; return to bed and hop in on top the still-chilly clothes and lay down til my heart beat slowed enough to stop panting and my hands thawed; dress in stages, allowing one portion of me and my clothes to become slightly acclimated before shocking my sensitive skin with the next frigid item; fly down the steps, grabbing my coat on the way; position myself over the kerosene heater, warming my shoes and then my coat before wriggling into them; run down the street to the bus-stop, thus keeping warm, getting my daily exercise, and maintaining that lovely pink-cheeked glow....

I coulda been a contendah (in the winter olympics for decathalon...ok, tricatholon...alright, none of the events).

As far as a song goes, at this time, I can only think of a portion from "The Rose...just remember, in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies a seed that with the sun's love, in the spring, becomes a rose."


  1. omg...this story reminds me of one my mother used to tell about her farm childhood.  She used to warm her fanny in front of the pot belly stove and once backed up to quickly and literally burned her panties off LOL....

    I hate snow.  That's why I live in Michigan....LOL...what were my ancestor's thinking?

  2. Gosh, now I have a sincere appreciation for my electric blanket! -Kelly

  3. You make me glad that that a grew up in Los Angeles, a city where the COLDEST RECORDED TEMPERATURE EVER was 28 degrees (above zero)


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!