22 October 2004

$$money, money, money$$

Weekend Assignment #10: Congratulations! You've been given one million dollars. What would you do with it? But wait! There's more -- seems you've been given two million dollars. Would you do anything different with the second million than you would with the first?

First, I would find some financial advisor to help me make wise investment decisions so I can use the interest to fund most of my ventures and hopefully keep the bulk as perpetual generation of further funds.

Then, I would pay off all my bills.  Even though there are some debts money could not repay, I would make sure that my folks are comfortable.  Then I could turn to other pursuits.

What I have wanted to do, if and when I can, is donate to any and all schools or public libraries in all the places I have ever lived.  As this is quite a lengthy list, with 7 primary/secondary schools and 5 colleges/universities (I've attended and/or taught), I would expect this to take some time to administer.  I would start with the BLOOMSBURG, PA public library and expand from there.  Bloomsburg is where I was born, where I graduated undergrad, and the public library is where I spent much of my teenaged summers.  Hal Pratt is a favored librarian, and I would name the foundation at that location after him.

I don't know much about this, but I sure would find out.  My friend who is Blind would never use the same version of books in highschool as the rest of us sighted kids.  So while we read FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, she read the much more challenging SCARLET LETTER.  I think I would work with the Library of Congress and see what other existing organizations convert text to braille.

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